Chantelle is the founder of Source Alchemy and the SunKidz SoulSchool and has spent the last 20 years teaching in and travelling to, various destinations in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Middle East and Thailand hosting talks, facilitating individual healing sessions and transformational workshops for adults and kids. She is an accomplished speaker, has appeared on national television and radio and has featured in various newspaper and magazine publications. She is the host of Aquarius Rising Africa and SOULutions with Chanti, which along with Morne Venter, she started towards the end of 2020, when she became aware of the very dark underbelly of our world. Thankfully, healing is available to all, hence the inception of SOULutions at the beginning of 2022, where she focusses on healing and solutions as we navigate new pathways through these crazy times!
She believes in balanced living, giving back, loving all of creation, empowerment through taking responsibility and fitness of mind and body through yoga and meditation. She is passionate about what she does and is dedicated to making a difference by being part of the wave of change. She approaches life with a willingness to grow, heal and learn, and as her own understanding deepens, she shares information and knowledge to facilitate transformation, inspiring others to unlock their innermost desires and to live fulfilled lives.She has witnessed ‘miracles’ and major shifts in her clients as they’ve grown, often physically healing themselves from life-threatening dis-eases and making their lives more meaningful and abundant by simply accepting and embracing who they are. This is done through exploring and embracing moments of life - in light and in dark - found in every human experience. She offers her clients simple, yet effective tools to shift and alchemize that which is holding them back.