Finally ... it's here and I am ready to share it! 18years of learning... gathering... processing... integrating... healing... teaching... ALCHEMIZING...

The Art of Alchemy is my experience of alchemy in this life. I have no doubt I have done all the heating and melting and smelting needed to be done on a physical level in lifetimes gone by, so now it is my core desire to re-access that knowledge spiritually, integrate it, and expand my consciousness in a way I never imagined; to come into complete union with my Spirit; to live a life on earth I desire and deserve… and to create that. I believe we come here to experience ‘heaven on earth’, whatever that may be for you. I will share my alchemical journey and what has worked for me. Using the 4 elements as our guide, we will transform that proverbial lead into gold. You will see the value of EVERYTHING that has occurred in your life…everything. You will receive the tools to continue doing so for the rest of your life... and be able to pass it on, because that’s how the ripple-effect works. It's the practical application... the blending and merging of all the stuff I've done over the years, integrated into one interactive, intelligent, engaging, creative and in-spirational journey.

For those of you who would be interested in becoming Source Alchemists, i.e. a Source practitioner and coach, this is the program you need to join. You will be required to join one more program after this and then you are ready to rock! For those of you who aren’t, it’s a great program to get yourself re-calibrated and aware. So fellow Alchemists, wherever you are in the world, let's dig-in, dig deep and let Alchemy begin...


'The Art of Conscious Creation' is my 4th online mentorship programme. It's the FOURTH and FINAL leg of the Alchemist's Table where we Mold our Gold, ie: you get to Consciously Create and Manifest whatever your heart desires!  Many of us have been shifting our energies and doing alot of inner reflection for quite some time but often battle with the manifestation aspect in our lives. We often get caught up in frustration and fragmentation and then repel the exact thing you are trying so hard to attain. In this programme we will iron out those glitches and blocks and CONSCIOUSLY raise your vibration CONSISTENTLY, so that Law of Attraction becomes you best and most valued friend, working WITH you all the way!

Of these 8-weeks you'll get :

* Prepare to Make Magic! Create your sacred space for the Alchemy to begin...

* Remembering powerful ancient manifesting rituals taught to us centuries ago

* Intention setting and Invocations. So much power lies here!

* The Art of Allowing... getting out of your own way and into the Flow

* Commitment, Consistency & Change. Keys to keep you radiating and attracting your heart's desires!

* Spark up your intuition! Trust yourself and act from INspiration rather than motivation

* Lots more tips 'n tools to keep your Connected, Conscious & Creating!

I'm really excited to be finally sharing this programme with you!  I've been working on it for a while and now it's time to reveal what I have Consciously Created. I hope you love it as much as I've enjoyed creating it.


© Chantelle Meyburgh

I have spent the last 18 years (and longer) figuring things out for myself, and hopefully, for some of those around me too. I consider myself, amongst other things, to be somewhat of a mystic… someone who takes great pleasure in getting to understand secrets and mysteries of the Universe. What works, and what doesn’t. This journey of alchemy has been a great treat. It is amazing and fun and exhausting at times,but oh my, the rewards are priceless!

In today’s world, Alchemy is considered to be a precursor to modern-day chemistry and dates back more than 2500 years. Its origins can be found in the esoteric practices of Greece and Rome, Persia, India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Japan and Islamic civilizations. It was a multi-disciplinary practice which combined chemistry, metallurgy, medicine, astrology, mysticism and art. Outsiders often saw this practice as a few weird old men, doing weird things by using heat and symbols and other stuff, to turn lead into gold. They were considered somewhat magical. Because magic was a form of power and was considered to be heretic by the church, it remained a hidden practice using symbols, and its secrets were closely guarded.

In reality, what the Alchemists focused on was spiritual enlightenment. Carl Jung compared it to the process of individuation, in which one explores the dark material of the unconscious mind, integrates it on a conscious level and achieves psychological maturity and spiritual insight. And it is here where we continue…


A whole new way of Being is dawning upon us. The Age of Aquarius is here! As with any major change, there's no denying our lives are being shaken up 'n down 'n all about! Those who have heeded the inner-call are waking up to a whole new reality. The reality that we are ONE and this new way of being requires us to be a lot more connected and live more compassionately. Not only to ourselves and our fellow man, but to Nature and every living being that inhabits this beautiful planet.

Conscious Communication is an 8-week online mentorship with Chantelle where we open our hearts and minds to connecting with Animals and Nature in a very conscious way. This goes way beyond the physical connection, but rather an intuitive, psychic opening, that allows you to see the world with completely new eyes. Veils lift and fears dissolve as a whole new perspective of Life and Living sets in. You can never view an animal as "just an animal" again once you've felt this incredible soul connection, and you've "heard" it's voice and "listened" to it's story. You can never see a tree as "just something to give you shade" again or to be chopped down thoughtlessly, once you've felt it's wisdom and understood it's purpose.

Love is the Fibre that connects us all with fine golden threads, something like a giant, magnificent web, whether we are conscious of it or not. These threads become stronger and more vibrant, the more love we share between us. Love is the very thing that strengthens our existence and therefore our immune system, enabling us to enjoy a great and healthy life, as God intended for you. Love knows no shape, race, color or species. Love simply desires to CONNECT. It's time.

Please join me for this 8-week journey, when we will, amongst other things, cover the following :

* understand the workings of your energy and clean up your own vibe

* learn to connect with each-other and Nature

* tune-in, connect & communicate with animals

* read photographs of animals* learn to track & locate animals

Watch the video below for more details.
Please feel free to contact me for further information.

Keys to Integration is an 15-week transformational experience where we use our chakras, ancient symbols, Tibetan singing bowls and integrational meditation to get to know your body on a much deeper level.

In order to have a good human experience it is necessary to understand the apparatus of the body, and that is comprised of the energy centres called the chakras. When we understand the energetic aspect of ourselves, we can use our full energy system to relate and inter-relate with others. It is necessary to know your body well, so by using these tools to guide you, you can address your ‘inner-roadblocks’ which usually reveal themselves in the form of illness, repeated patterns, addictions, fears and so on. Your body is the most accurate barometer you could ever wish for as every part holds a deeper meaning. By understanding, and learning to listen when it ‘speaks’, we can approach any dis-ease on any level from a very different perspective so that self-healing occurs naturally and organically.

Over these 15-weeks we will focus on:

•    Getting to know the chakras – how they work and which body parts they affect
•    Kundalini energy - the unifying force that resides within us
•    How our thoughts and emotions affect the workings of our body and our  health
•    Ancient symbols - these potent energies assist in the transformation process
•    Guided meditation for each chakra and its related symbol with the Tibetan singing bowls taking this experience to another level

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