© Chantelle Meyburgh
– Anthony Douglas Williams
‘You will begin see the world and its creatures in a whole new light if you remain quiet for long enough to listen... and when you listen, they will speak...’
Communicating with animals is a 2-way process: there is a sender and a receiver, something like speaking on a phone. Like tuning into a radio or television frequency. Using telepathy, we can do this with animals and people, even when we are continents apart. We are all born with telepathic skills, but most of us doubt that we have them, so we don’t recognize them. It is we who think that animals don’t understand, or can’t communicate, or don’t have a soul. If we give them love, they will respond to us with love. That is the key to any inter-species communication.
There is no great secret to inter-species communication at all, because we all have this ability. It’s our natural way of being, which most humans have still pinched themselves off from. Animals have so much to teach us, so much to remind us of, so much information to share… all we need to do is open our hearts, quiet our minds and LISTEN
When I am tuned into an animal and asking them questions, I receive my answers in pictures, words and thoughts that flow into my mind. It’s as if the thoughts and pictures are placed there and I am simply verbalizing what comes through
Chantelle facilitates Animal Communication workshops for both adults and kids. These workshops are about connecting with and practicing on live animals, reading photographs, meditations and exercises designed to ignite your psychic abilities and fine-tune your focus to understand the animal’s needs. Participants are guided to ‘pick up’ imagery, thoughts, sensations and words from the animals. We also use medical Gestaldt to locate aches and pains inside their bodies.