There is no doubt that many uniquely special children are being born all around the globe at this time with a strong sense of purpose to heal and protect earth. These are the SunKidz, tomorrow’s leaders, healers and teachers and as their name suggests, they are the Children of the Sun.

They are guided, protected and embody the energy of the sacred White Lions (referred to by the African Shamans as ‘the children of the Sun god’). They are naturally intuitive, radiate light, live with awareness and have a natural ability to communicate with animals, plants and other life forms. Their purpose is to shine and radiate a positive and new way of being. They are here to speak out and be heard; to make a difference to those who have lost their voices.

They are ‘warriors of light’ who are born with an innate knowledge of what it takes to create a better and more peaceful world.

These are indeed unusual and challenging times with much uncertainty around. As the ‘old world’ structures disintegrate, it is necessary to find new ways of living in order to preserve our heritage and sustain precious natural resources.

SunKidz are here to help this happen. In order for them to be effective, it is important to honour and respect them for the valuable and unique beings that they are. Should they find themselves in situations where they are limited and not able to express themselves truly, such as an overly strict environment or forced to learn out-dated material at school, they can become extremely frustrated, angry and explosive. They need to feel they are making a difference and be acknowledged and supported on their mission, so it would be sensible to equip them with the necessary tools.For SunKidz to radiate and achieve their soul’s purpose, they need to find, and develop in themselves, the qualities of leadership, i.e. Love, Truth, Courage, Endurance, Focus, Commitment and Community Consciousness, i.e. the ability to operate within a pride or group structure, although they are by nature very individualistic.

These qualities will ensure they succeed in their mission of service to Mother Nature at this time of need. If these energies are not nurtured, it’s as if this radiant sun inside them, intended to shine light into the world, inverts and the rays get ‘caught up in knots, not allowing them the natural channels to express themselves and shine! This causes a lot of frustration because they feel misunderstood and unheard, which often leads them to becoming rebellious and self-indulgent. To enable these kids to radiate and shine their true potential, let us, the adults and parents provide them with a safe space to grow and explore topics that interest them, no matter how much we may object.Let us guide them with love and strength, encourage, support and take pride in their hard-earned achievements. There is no greater joy for these souls than to start fulfilling their purpose from an early age. Let us open up the pathways for them to achieve this, because they are the leaders of the Golden Age.

Who are the SunKidz, and what is their purpose?

My Gaia is a journey of self-discovery and embraces a wide variety of ways of returning to loving and nurturing ourselves, each other, animals and Mother Nature... the things that REALLY matter! The material is multi-faceted and can be enjoyed by all age-groups, young and old alike. It is fun, inter-active, experiential and serves as a bridge for teachers / parents / guardians and siblings to re-connect with one another. It offers alternative ways of self-nurturing, e.g. if your child has a stomach ache, you are able to ascertain which chakra is out of balance, the related emotions and fears, and therefore determine what needs have to be addressed on a deeper level.

A gentle foot massage, concentrating on the area relating to that particular chakra or body part and visualising the related symbol working its magic, could be the only ‘medicine’ young Julie needs to dissolve her aches and sleep sweetly. Reading the children a meditation when they go to bed is greatly beneficial as it allows them to calm down before going to sleep and tune into ‘God’s Messengers’... this may awaken amazing things within them.

Children from the ages of 10 or 11 years old can usually use the material on their own and can be enjoyed with siblings and friends, and of course, adults too! Forward-thinking teachers could find this a very handy tool for extra-curriculum or aftercare classes. Activities such as reflexology, planting herb and veggie gardens, using Mother Moon as the guide and crystals to infuse them with light, is not only a lot of fun, but it may well surprise everyone to see how just potent Gaia’s energies really are.

Activities include: Guided meditations and visualisations • Journeying through the chakras and the body • Going organic, recycling, growing veggie and herb gardens • Ancient symbols • Talking to animals • The workings of our energy, cells and DNA, crystals, massage.... and so much more!

handbook for tomorrow's leaders, healers & teachers

colouring - in & activity book

For the NUNU GURUS out there!

Based on the principles of My Gaia, this fun and inspirational activity booked is crammed with a variety of great colour-in pictures, activities and fun projects to inspire the enquiring mind.






© Chantelle Meyburgh